Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Colossal Cave Mountain Park & Saguaro National Park

3/25/15 - Wednesday we went to Colassal Cave Mountain Park in Vail, AZ & Saguaro National Park. 

We went down into the bowels of this cave where our guide shared information about the cave. 

The first person lived in Colossal Cave Mountain Park over a thousand years ago. Around 900 ad the Hohokam Indians formed a thriving community, farming in the valley below Colossol Cave and using the Cave itself for shelter, storage, and as a shrine.  
This was a very interesting tour. 

All around this cave there were mountains covered with cactus.  Cactus everywhere. 
Carp enjoying the cactus' in behind him.  

These cactus were magnificent. 

Giant cactus! 

There was also a ranch connected with the cave.  
This sign was over the entrance of the ranch. 
This sign was over the road as we exited the cave/ranch area. 

Our next stop was at Saguaro National Park. 
This sign was at the entrance of the park. 
This was a cactus outside the visitors center. 

We took an eight mile loop ride around the National Park. Absolutely amazing. We have never seen so many cactus in one place. Fantastic!  

This was a dead cactus with a bird sitting on top. 

What looks like sticks are actually cacti all over the mountain.